Thursday, October 2, 2014


      I always believed that fashion was a sense of individualism, a source where anyone 
can become a complete different person. Fashion was always something that gathered attention from bystanders and is constantly changing. If we look back into the revolutionary era, every fashion was the same in dependence to their status. Women of higher status had a different sense of fashion in comparison to the lower class women. However, within each status, the apparel did not change and remained to be constant. 

      In our generation today, we believe that fashion is to show our true colors and to become an individualism. This belief that we have can be stated both as true and false. It is true that everyone has the ability to create a fashion in their own liking, however, it is not their fashion. The fashion industry company has took control of media and heavily influences consumers till this day. We may believe that we do not follow anyone's style and have our own, but in actuality, our style is created and molded by the fashion industry through media. We see the "latest trends" through social media sites and there is no way to escape but look at what attracts us. Through media, the fashion industry has created this era of fashion where they "allow" people to have their style but still abide the rules of the fashion empire.  

People are prone to follow one another to be the "latest trend" to show that they are individuals. When in reality, fashion is the same amongst everyone, it's a source for people to fit in. I will be looking into fashion and how the trends remain the same through every type of style and how people portray themselves through their own style. I will be making a video clip of the comparison between the fashion industry to regular people on the streets of New York. 


  1. I believe this is a very good idea for a semester project. As a society full of consumerism we are bread to think, "the grass is always greener." We are constantly striving to have whats new, even though products we own are suitable enough. You are correct in your statement that the driving force behind these ideals is media transforming society. Media and technology is no longer an added bonus but something that is depended on everyday by most. It will interesting to see how you will examine the psyche of individuals who can and cannot live without it.

  2. This. Is. Huge. You're absolutely right in saying that media has become our life. It used to be a source of entertainment but now we look to it for a deeper satisfaction, we look to it as a sense of being.

    I have always been fascinated with the mind. I don't know if you've ever checked them out but: has many interesting articles about the mind and how it works.

    - Cheers
