Thursday, October 23, 2014

MidTerm Proposal

          I want to awaken people the subconscious Spiral of Silence.  Spiral of Silence is Originally proposed by German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in 1974, Spiral of silence is the term meant to refer to the tendence of people to remain silent when they feel that their views are in opposition to the majority view on a subject. The theory posits that they remain silent for a few reasons.  Fear of isolation when the group or public realizes that the individual has a divergent opinion from the status quo.  Fear of reprisal or more extreme isolation, in the sense that voicing said opinion might lead to a negative consequence beyond that of mere isolation (loss of a job, status, etc.)(( My final project will be to interview people and look at topics and share people’s thoughts on them.

         It’s going on all around us and we don’t realize it.   We’re holding ourmost deep down thoughts in, in fear of being negatively scrutinized.  We can’t be blind to it.  This could lead to manipulation of people by their respect governments down the line.   People are holding in their thoughts on certain subjects and I want to unleash them.  I want them to be aware of the Spiral of Silence going on all around us and let people actually have the freedom of speech they actually deserve. 


  1. Why is this proposal completely different from your original proposal topic? I am not sure where exactly you are coming from with this approach, why you are making this project, what your inspiration is and how does this fit into your portfolio?? Why are you not developing a project about music? I do not see your expertise, your passions or your current work in this topic at all. I strongly believe you need to rethink this project completely. Stay after class today to discuss some options.

  2. This is a very different topic, something I have never really thought about. I do disagree with the statement, "let people actually have the freedom of speech they actually deserve". For the simple fact, we now live in a world where people abuse the constitutional right Freedom of Speech. We all have a voice and thanks to technology we now have the ability to share our views and opinions with the entire world. We are no longer limited to just our friends and families. Those who don't have the courage the speak up, will be affect by the spiral of silence. Just my thought on it
