Thursday, October 23, 2014

Video Proposal

Minorities in Media

The mass media has always being consistent in how it portraits minorities, it is funny how is being persistent in stereotypes are looked as a mirror especially for African American, Asian and Hispanics. I believe media has a lot to do with how we thing about many people. The truth is many minorities are made its way to big media companies and are establishing a path for other members of their ethic group to bombard television, movies and others to create a better understanding in who they are. Many celebrities from minorities groups had may it to the top, still discrimination exist specially in the acting field. Many of the main actors we see these days on movies or television that are well recognized for their excellent acting careers and are consistently working are usually white or looks Caucasians. An example of that is Lana Parra who is Puerto Rican and her looks and professionalism made her won an Alma Award on 2012. When she received the award she mentioned that she used to hide the fact that she was Hispanic to get some roles.

For my project I would like to present these theory and emphasize more in the Hispanic, Asian and African minorities. My focus is to present a project which may influence the masses to have a different perspective about minorities. Made them realized that not everything they see about minorities is truth and even if it is true not all are the same and explain the reason behind why media is stereotyping minorities. I would like to make a video that I will record myself in which some people will talk about how media made them feel. Then, I will show some footage in which media have stereotype minorities. I would like to interview people and make them understand why is this project so important and the different that other media sources are fighting against the stereotypes. 

 Moreover, I will add some voiceover, explain all the damaged that media stereotype has caused to minorities while I will show footage referent to this idea. I want to show people that this topic is very important because it is affecting people in the workplace, interacting with others and it created a low self esteem, self consciousness about how they look.  This project is so important to me because I considered myself part of a minority and I would like to touch this topic deeper in my video because it concerns me and other minorities. My intention is not to make this video only for minorities, but to a larger audience specially teenagers and young adults.

1 comment:

  1. This is good. But like professor said in class, I would focus on one minority and maybe even one type of movie. Or even one gender. Get as specific as you can and then move forward. I am sure you could find something, this is a topic full of great ideas.

    Good Luck!
