Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Dynamics of Our Relationship with Social Media - Group 4 Presentation

"I share, therefore I am." - Sherry Turkle


     Being connected to that uncle that lives in California is easier now than it has even been and that's a good thing, right? Well that depends on whether or not you abuse that privilege. 

     If you're spending the majority of your time staring into your phone and dismissing the world then perhaps it's not so great.

     Social Media is a double edged sword that allows us to create a bubble in which we can live carefree of the world around us.

     In a Ted Talk given by Eli Pariser he quotes Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerburg when asked about the News Feed, "A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa."

     The Internet has changed many things. including how the broadcast model works. We no longer have the human gatekeepers of old - like editors and music producers - our new gatekeeper is an algorithm based upon the choices you make.

     The gatekeepers aren't the only thing that has changed either. Our relationships with ourselves are undergoing a transformation.

"We worry that IM, texting, Facebook are spoiling human intimacy, but Stefana Broadbent's research shows how communication tech is capable of cultivating deeper relationships, bringing love across barriers like distance and workplace rules."

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Semester Project/Revision_#2 - M. Settles

Black Women In Television
For my semester project I will focus on black women in TV, spanning from Julia to Scandal. I will produce a short video/montage discussing influential black women in television and why there are so few today. In my project I will show clips from past popular TV shows with black women as lead actress and compare them to black women of today in television. The overall objective of my project is to inform people how the industry often times over look black actress to depict positive roles, and are often type casts as angry black women, servants or portrayed in a negative role.

Diane Carroll as "Julia"
Television is a stable in every American household today and as an African American female I’m repeatedly offended at how black women are portrayed on television. Even in 2014, the industry is still dominated by white men and women and minority actors/actresses are still misrepresented. African Americans are major contributors to the media industry and we should be given the same respect to see other people on TV that looks like us especially black female actresses. I strongly believe more attention should be drawn to this issue. It’s an issue that is definitely being ignored, and deserves much need attention. When black actresses are casted in powerful leading roles, somehow she is still depicted in a negative role. The same way black writers and producers are criticized for breaking the mold and depicting black actors/actresses in unrealistic roles according to white society, they must also be scrutinized for how the black audience will perceive the roles black actors/actresses are given. 
Phylicia Rashad as "Claire Huxtable" - The Cosby Show
With the constant visual obsession of entertainment, television has a major influence on viewers. Television has different effects on different people, as we all know certain television shows does not affect everyone the same. Television has a much greater impact now on society than previously. Our young black teens are huge users of media outlets, moviegoers and TV watchers. And with all the negative images they see over the internet, violence in their everyday community, seeing more positive role models on the small screen will give them the aspiration that they can be so much more than their current environment or situation. Especially for young black girls they need someone to encourage them to be more than just a baby mama, video girl, gold-digger, stay at home mom or a secretary. As a little girl I can recall wanting to be Wonder Woman when I was growing up, we all want to connect and relate to our favorite actor/actress on TV. Still, a lot of little girls fantasize about be certain people on TV, and when all you have to imitate is negative; it can effect how we present ourselves to the rest of the world. TV has had a major influence on the black community changing our culture, thoughts, talk, style, attitudes, and beliefs, and how we view others, TV has changed all of us in one-way or another. TV has been one of the main contributing factors responsible for us as a society; TV has also helped teach some of us the valuable lessons of real life.

Kerry Washington-Scandal, Chandra Wilson-Grey's Anatomy, Viola Davis-How To Get Away With Murder
Thanks to those who paved the way and with the sudden increase of more African American writers and producers, hopefully we will see a change with more black female actors in TV. It is very important to have black women in uplifting leading roles, because how we are viewed on TV is how society and ourselves view us. I feel, since we don’t live in a world of only successful white woman, than we should be able to turn on the TV and see successful black women on the tube as well.


1. Reel to real:race, sex, and class at the movies/Bell Hooks. New York, NY:Routledge, 1996
2. Black women in television:an illustrated history and bibliography/George Hill, Lorraine Raglin, Chas Floyd Johnson. New York:Garland Pub.,1990
3. Dates, Jannette L. "Black Women Decisionmakers In Entertaiment Television. "Journal of Popular Film & Television 33.2 (2005): 68-79
4. Ott, Gary. "From Clair Huxtable to June Cleaver, remember to say "thanks'." Midland Reporter-Telegram (TX) 9 May 2004, Local & State.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Semester Project Proposal

Caroline Becker
Professor Cacoilo
Semester Project Proposal

As a coach and a former athlete, I found it interesting how the development of younger athletes occurs at a much earlier age. This, I think, has to do with the accessibility of the Internet and how the Internet and social outlets are making it much more easier to learn and become a skillful athlete in whatever sport. I believe that the best way for me to present my idea would be through a video in which I will give examples and provide back up information with images, music, articles and other videos. What I will be talking about is how YouTube “how to” video tutorials  or websites like eHow, make it easier to learn specific skills of a sport. It is making it easier on society as a whole, especially the younger generation.
 I will be taking YouTube  “How To” videos as well as a website site like wikihow, which has a written out steps, with picture, on how to preform a specific skill, such as how to do a foul shot. Since there are so many people uploading their advice and “how-to”, mass ameraturization is a positive influence.
 Before the Internet, if someone wanted to learn how to dribble a basketball, he or she would have to seek out an individual who will take out the time and teach him or her how to perform the action of ball dribbling. Now, with YouTube and wikihow and even Instagram, one learns how to do something in just a click. By having these media outlets, one can learn how to do anything. They learn how to perform an action at their own pace and on their own time, just by watching a video over and over again.
My message is that, although the media has some negative impacts, in this insistence, it happens to be a powerful learning tool and a positive influence on society. By having people posting “how to shoot a foul shot,” I personally, could have saved a lot of time and money by having these videos and learning it on my own instead of paying a “skill coach,” where he or she would guide and tutor you on the skills that needs improvement. It is allowing an even playing ground at a young age. Mainly, I am promoting the positive benefits of having access to the Internet and all the content that is provided all over the world through mass amerateruzation and user-content.
 Specifically, I would like to target young ages to make them aware of the power and the advancement they all have the privilege of having. In all honesty, I would like to target everyone.  Sports are a universal activity and hobby, which is permitted at almost any age and is allowed for all gender and race, therefore; society as a whole would be targeted. It involves my audience because most individuals has either played a sport, had a family member or a friend who played a sport, watch sports, like sports, wants to coach a sport or maybe will/has a child that enjoys and participates in sports. By getting this information out, it will allow children to believe more in themselves by thinking, for the most part, kids have the accessibility to learn something all by themselves if they take out the time and search for it.

Also, from an outsider point of view, this availability of the Internet and social media, the athletic ability allows sports, like college football, to be more entertaining and exciting. I am making this project because I feel that I can really connect with this. I was a former college athlete and a travelling coach, I have seen that it has almost become a norm to be a skilled athlete as a  kid and young adult. In the past, there were only a few star and skilled players. Now, it seem that more and more kids are outstanding players. It is also important to me because as a coach, I need my players to practice, practice, practice. I want my kids to practice on their own and sometimes when you practice bad form, it is a nasty habit to break. The “how to shoot a basketball” tutorials make it that much easier and better for my kids to learn excellent form and discipline.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Midterm Proposal

            As an aspiring Filmmaker, I want to create a video in which a bill of rights for the Internet is proposed. The Internet is something that has taken all of us by store. There has never been a point in history where we are all connected with one another faster and continuously. The purpose of my video is to build awareness about protecting our rights, privacy and access to the Internet. 

The tragic earthquake that devastated china in 2008 heavily inspires this peace. The people of china took to tweeter and were tweeting pictures of the massive devastation. The pictures and news was so instant that the Chines Offices were not able to regulate the situation before the world found of the massive destruction. So many pictures were being sent out; they couldn’t keep up, therefore the shut down the people access to twitter. In chine they government heavily regulates the Internet and what information reaches the web.  They couldn’t regulate the massive turn out of pictures and information being shared through twitter, so they simply shit it down. 
Just like that, millions of people were disconnected from the world, their sorrows, pains and hardship was being resected from the rest of the world. This is a prime example how government can flex their control over the Internet whenever they may need to. Net Neutrality will allow for a safer and prominent Internet, one that everyone can access and use.

As for the look of the video, I want it to set as an Internet State Address, an address to the people in regards to the Internet. I choose two videos that inspire me and do an excellent job at displaying powerful monologues. The first is the 1940 film, The Dictator, in which Charlie Chaplin delivered the moist amazing speech ever. In his speech he talks about the dangers of and the chaos of war and hate. A speech that should of revolutionized the course of humanity and leaves you in catharsis. The second is in the 2005, “V for Vendetta” the main character delivers a Revolutionary Speech. One that challenges the people to wake up and realize how they’re puppets in a society that is manipulated and controlling by their government. I’m Interested in diving into more research about net neutrality in order to develop accurate and powerful Bill of internet Rights that can spark debates around the world.

Mass Amateurization

Once the Internet was born it started providing freedom to the masses to express in their own unique ways. For example, blog posting which may sometimes be published by non-professionals; this fact, lower the standards of professional mass media. On the other hand, puts away a major press obstacle, the stop of the data flow. The result of this is mass amateurization. Internet allowed people to publish articles that may not be important to some professionals but attract viewers to the source. People are allowed to publish whatever they want in Facebook, Twitter and other social media without limitations imposed by the media. The diffusion of the capacity of self-expression is Mass Amateurization.

After price cost of cameras fell, people started using photographies to post on the Internet. Allowing people to create different images and sometimes makes very professional and good-looking pictures that are post in blogs and other media sources. Nowaday, people try to master the art of photography because it became a really important tool of expression on the internet. Softwares such as photoshop are use contantly for amateurs and professionals to give a more personal look to their pictures.

When YouTube came out, videos were published and created by amateurs. It brought new dynamic that literally change the way I see television and movies. Youtubers started gaining fame through videos that were not necessary well edited but created a platform for talented people were not be famous today if it not because of the platform YouTube.