Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Post 4- The Future Is Near

"The point of convergence is the empowerment of people and the dynamics of convergence are
enabling people to take control over their relationship with businesses and with media."

-Nigel Morris, Convergence is Shaping the Future of Communications.
As the future of convergence approaches us, we are able to quickly put down old habits and get accustomed to the ever-changing outlets of media and communications. Through our understanding of Guy Debord's "Society of a Spectacle" and how when the commodity has taken over our social life, such as social media, television, radio(which is dying because of convergence), etc, it becomes the spectacle. In Convergence is Shaping the Future of Communications, Nigel Morris describes the future of convergence:

"In a convergent world, no person and no touchpoint exist in isolation. Everything is interconnected.

In a convergent world, every action can potentially have an effect on everything else. Everything is interdependent.

In a convergent world, it is impossible to keep things separate, or to control the way that a consumer interacts with a company. Everything is transparent."

The ideas formed years ago, that there wouldn't be multiple media platforms but rather a single source, have been proven false. Instead of a one-sided media world, there is a transparency between the people and their connection to media, allowing correlation between the media and society.

“Correlation refers to the ways in which media interpret events and issues and ascribe meanings that help individuals understand their roles within the larger society and culture… By correlating one’s views with other groups or preconceived notions of general public opinion, the media can help maintain social stability…”(Pavlick, McIntosh, 27.)

Since newspapers gained popularity and emergence of technology, information has been easily obtainable, especially in the most POPULAR source of media today, the Internet. Clay Shirkey, author of Here Comes Everyone, begins chapter 3 describing a time when USA TODAY’s birth nearly threatened old- time newspaper positions. Shirkey DESCRIBES, “The principle threat to the Richmound Daily News, and indeed to all newspapers small and large, was not competition from other newspapers but radical changes with the overall ecosystem of information.”(Shirkey, 56) 

The competition is still, if not more of a concern as we move into a converging media world.  Mass ameturization has developed has given unprofessionals a role in delivering information to audiences. The Internet has allowed for instant and constant communication throughout the world, and has adequately combined all other mediums into one - a feat that was never quite accomplished before.

Shirky, Clay. “Everyone Is a Media Outlet.” Here Comes Everybody: the Power of Organizing without Organizations. New York: Penguin, 2008. Print.
 Pavlick, McIntosh. Converging Media, 27

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