Tuesday, November 25, 2014

POST #4 - M. Tiffany Settles

Convergence - Google images
Convergence has become a way of life for many of us. The Internet today offers people wireless access to information just about wherever and whenever we want it. The Internet has caused the emergence of new media and new competition in the world of technology. The Internet is totally different from traditional forms of media. Technology has evolved in ways no one could have planned or anticipated. All forms of communication have become digital and the compatibility is one of the main reasons technology is growing so rapidly. An as technology continues to advance, the rest of the world will have to advance. For example when TV was launched, the radio didn’t disappear it adapted to a new form of media. When we experience new forms of media, the old forms of media fades away to a degree, instead create ways to reinvent themselves for the public attention. The future of convergence depends on the success of the electronic industry. If and only if the new technology can develop new ways for us to interact, receive, share, or enhance the way we understand media today? Will the future of convergence satisfy the expectations of the consumers? Personally, I believe the technology we have now will contribute to the future forms of media.

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A transmedia story unfolds across multiple media platforms, with each new text making a distinctive and valuable contribution to the whole. The ideal form of transmedia storytelling, each medium does what it does, so that a story might be introduced in a film, through television, novels and comics (Jenkins 98). So you must have a story in order for technology to flow from the story. In some cases you don’t need technology to advance or retell a story. The intersection of technology and storytelling is all about taking risks in telling a story and challenging technology. The story must captivate the audience, and the technology helps to keep the audience engaged in the story. A perfect example of storytelling intersecting with technology would by the 2015 release of Halo 5. Halo 5 is a sequel of video games that will also have a television series. Today, thanks to the Internet we have access to thousands of stories of everyday people from all parts of the world. So, technology allows us to witness stories in real time, re-create old stories and develop new stories. Technology is forever shifting media with new apps, mobile devices and games in efforts to keep up with the consumer’s imagination.

In an article “The Sleeper Curve”, by Steve Johnson he states “today’s popular culture is actually making us smarter” (Johnson 1). Technology to a certain degree is improving our minds; the way we understand and making us better critical thinkers. Today’s technology allows the audience to interact and be apart of their favorite character on a television series and video game. As said by Johnson, “the mind likes to challenged” (Johnson 2). The media satisfies our curiosity. Media impact the way we live and learn the tools of learning have changed. Technology helps us do everything better.   

Media Convergence - Google images

The rapid technological changes are creating strategic partnership between old and new media. The future of technology is at our fingertips today. I’m predicting the future of technology, as we know it will not change to drastically. We are so connected to media in our everyday life, fast forward ten years we’ll take it for granted. The technological upgrades might not change that much but the way we use media will change. Our knowledge of past technology has positioned us to take full advantage of all new media developments. With the constant evolution of new media does not mean the end of old media. Technology that now exists will contribute to media forms that have not yet been invented.       

Just as quickly as we embrace new technology and everyone has it, different combinations of that same technology are changing daily. For example, media is targeting its audience directly to their mobile devices. Technologies biggest target right now is cell phones. Mobile media content has been developed to be audible and visible on the cell phone screen. The information we receive about the news, sports, and the ability to share videos, and even create our very own pages has all been revised to perfectly fit the media platform. With the advancement of high-speed connections and smart phones the future is slowly preparing for the promise of mobile television.

The Future - Google images

The future of technology is going to require everyone to have access to digital technology. The media already affects our everyday activities, the way we shop, get our news, study, manage our finances, and most of all how we communicate with our friends and family. On the business side it has increased the competition forcing companies to invest in equipment, new employees and research and development teams making sure their company will be able to adjust to the future demands of technology.

The future is already here. We just can’t predict exactly where technology is headed. The future of digital media is going to be determined based on the need on the consumers and the creativity of the developers. We also have to keep in mind how to bridge the gap of digital divide and for everyone to have Internet access? The future possibilities of media are endless, and some are going to get left behind. Until the direction of media has been made clear we must follow the on going growth of technology.

Work Cited

Pavlik, John, and McIntosh, Shawn. Converging Media. Third Edition. New York, NY:
            Oxford United Press, 2013-2014. Print.

Johnson, Steven. “The Sleeper Curve”. Riverhead, New York. 2005. Web.

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