Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Future of convergence

           Few could have ever imagined, when Motorola introduced the mobile telephone in the 1970’s, it would one day blossom into the one stop mobile media command center it is today.  Music, movies, email, converged together readily available at the tip of your fingers.  Innovation at its best, media convergence is ever evolving, bringing users and content closer and closer. In fact, the future of convergence is no longer solely interested in the mere integration of media and platforms. No. it now has its eyes set on the integration of its content with its users, achieving maximum productivity. Let’s face it, having to lug around mobile devices creates unnecessary risk and limits the potential of the user experience.    
       Converging the user with its media, may be the only way to solve this dilemma. Thankfully, Google has taken the initiative in the ushering in of this new era of media convergence, with its google glass technology. Yes, by now we have concluded that George Orwell was indeed correct (and maybe a prophet of some sought) as users will literally be giving the government a direct "eye” into their private lives however; he upside potential of this technology is incredible. This can very well supercharge the evolution of mankind as information will be imbedded in his cornea. Who has time to look at instruction manuals when he/she can be guided and directed through life’s daily obstacles! Storytelling will never be the same as this optical device will have the ability to place audience inside games, novels, and movies, you name it. 
       Of course, new concepts rarely gain public acceptance without resistance, as it is human nature to fear the unknown. In his article, Dr. Farouk Radwan explains how fear limits the human potential and why they're so reluctant to to try new daring things, such a the google glass. He claims, that thoughts on the possibilities of danger to self  promotes fear as it is human nature to seek preservation. Smart eye-wear have made bad impressions on some due to it's privacy shattering functions. This like many other privacy intrusive innovations before it, will appear lest daunting once the public becomes knowledgeable the benefits. Just like the internet and other forms of superseding communication devices, rules will be formulated by the FCC to ease public skepticism garnering further trust. Eventually human integration with content will become adapt to the point where it would not be too fare-fetch to have a communicating devices surgically implanted into the body.  

          Like this clever bluetooth ear concept which made its way on the innovative television show "Shark Tank", where inventors from all walks of life come to seek the financial backing of multimillion dollar investors. In 2009, aspiring entrepreneur Darren Johnson pitched an idea for an "Ionic-Ear Injected Bluetooth Based Device". Unlike conventional bluethooth device which sat a top the human ear as an attachment, the Ionic-Ear device would be surgically implanted "near the ear, under the earlobe". With this idea being "ahead of it's time", the panel gave Johnson an overwhelming, NO! The panel did not reject product, they rejected the method, as surgically implanting a device into the ear was unheard of at that time. The year is now 2014, and no, the implanted bluetooth have not become the "next best thing", however another ear type device has began to gain public acceptance in, implantable hearing aid devices. Bluetooth and hearing aids have already been integrated on external devices so it shouldn't be long till the bluetooth find its way into the body, via necessity of hearing or conveniences of bluethooting.     
       In conclusion, I believe pushing the limits on convergence is essential in furthering and easing the development of mankind. The public needs to become educated and aware of the fact that, diabolical instruments of the past such as radiation and global positioning devices, have yield rather "life saving" results, so phobia may be unwarranted. Once they (the people) have been wheedled on acceptance of hair-raising advancements in convergence, accelerated developments may ensue. 

Work Cited 

Radwan, Farouk., 2 Know Myself ( Fear and Phobias) (2006-2014)

Motorola Mobility LLC. (1994-2014)  

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