Saturday, September 20, 2014

Chinwe Adaeze Onuoha Needs To Get Her Life Together


                My name is Chinwe A. Onuoha and I am a journalism major at Rutgers-Newark. Once I graduate in May 2015, I plan to return back to school to set my "plan b" in order -just in case all things fail. The last thing I want to hear my parents say is "I told you so." That is why I started building my portfolio in the summer of 2014 after sitting on a cloud of empty dreams for two semesters. 

               I won't go into what those aspirations were, but I made the decision to pursue journalism as a career. I am interested in writing about beauty, women empowerment, entertainment news, and my personal favorite - narratives. I have Professor Robin Gaby Fisher to thank for that. She taught me many valuable lessons that I have used in and outside of school, as far as writing is concerned. I just hope that the major publications that I apply to intern for will like my work enough to take me under their wing.

              I just don't understand why it's so hard to get a good internship nowadays. Should I get my cover letter proofread and signed by President Barack Obama? Should my resume be reviewed by J.K. Rowling? Perhaps Oprah Winfrey should mention that I'm the best intern candidate of all time on "Super Soul Sunday" and urge that "Cosmopolitan Magazine" hires me. I know that I sound extremely frustrated, but I haven't given up. I will continue to apply for internships (just not the little shitty ones) and dream big, like my mother told me to do all summer. After all, I would like a lucrative job after I graduate.
What I Feel Like Doing When I Haven't Received An Internship That I Wanted 

            I hope that this class will give me an idea of how I could set myself a part from the competition.  I want to manipulate this new age of media to my own advantage. I just don't know how to do that yet. I'll keep you all posted if anything happens. 

Here are some of my writing samples: 


What My Life Currently Revolves Around

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