Monday, September 29, 2014

Blog # 2 Society of the Spectacle

The Guy Debord who described society of the spectacle as a “immense accumulation of images that sell capitalism” believes that images in billboards, magazines, television and media in general recreates a perfect life that Americans envy and want to have. There is a total control of all the media from television to the latest media tool, the Internet. Top companies with high revenues sell and advertise ideologies that consciously or unconsciously affect Americans. Nowadays, people are lacking of interpersonal relationships with others and communicate through twitter, Skype, iMessage, Facebook, etc.; instead of having a real connection. This fact, however, affects people’s ideas of relationships and a real sense of connection between them. Media has not only portrayed the way we should look or act, but also has replaced a genuine conversation.

“The spectacle is the stage in which the commodity has succeeded in totally colonizing a social life”(42) said, Debord. We are intermediated by a media device, that at the end allow us to keep ourselves isolated. During dinners or social events there are always people looking at their phones, texting, instead of having a real conversation with the people around them. This has become a common pattern, people have started to feel more comfortable in front of a computer or cellphone believing that “social media” is the new path which replaces in some way a real interaction with people. However the media has also become a tool, from professional chat meetings to seeing someone on a video-call who is on the other side of the world. 

Moreover, the term commodity means a marketable product or item, which is created to attract people and satisfy their needs and desires. In terms of advertisements, society tends to imitate what they see, many advertisements sell things that we actually do not need but they create a desire for consumption. The messages received through commercials are one of the most influential when it comes to buying a new product; food brands, clothing stores, electronics, restaurants, and the list continue. There are several consequences that come with the consumption of product since media has a great impact on society, when it comes to buying a product. A product with high quality advertisement is most likely to create the idea that you actually need it, which consequently produces consumption and the idea that you have more value or that you are happier because you have this new item or product.   
“The spectacle is a flip of money. It, too, is an abstract general equivalent of all commodities” (49). We exchange money for the items, products we want to acquire and money is a representation of our needs and desires.

The problem with consuming products influenced by the media is that we may end up consuming products that we actually do not need and in some cases incur debt and lack of money for basic needs. It is necessary to be aware of the influence of the marketing in advertisements, commercials, among others. Media images are a surreal unit that not only lacks realism but also gives a false statement that you are not enough without certain product.

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